Maintenance ModesThreatLocker Supported OS BuildsNetwork Control (NC)ThreatLocker Health ServiceDevice Showing as Offline after Feature UpdateCreating Custom RulesGoogle Chrome/ Edge Chromium Extension and Command PromptHow to Create a ThreatLocker University AccountCreating a Global Computer GroupHow to Use a Template Computer GroupLookback PeriodCustomizing the ThreatLocker Popup WindowsComputers Not Running ThreatLocker TabRemove Duplicate Computers ButtonRemoving Application Control PoliciesSetting an Explicit Deny PolicySpecial Considerations when Running an MSI file from a Network ShareDeleting OrganizationsThe Difference Between an Application and a PolicyThreatLocker Built-In ApplicationsThreatLocker Password Complexity RequirementsThreatLocker Portal Refresh RatesUnverified CertificatesCreating an Exclusion Policy for a Storage PathRapid Check-InWindows Defender Advanced Threat Protection and ThreatLockerSpecial Consideration When Maintenance Mode Will Not Take AffectNetwork Control and LAN-Based Connection Traffic