The 'Remove Duplicate Computers' button on the Computers page can be leveraged to remove computers that have been duplicated within the portal. ThreatLocker will compare both the install date and the last check-in date and time of each computer with the same hostname. It will only remove computers that have not been active in the ThreatLocker Portal at the same time.
For example, look at the following chart. You can see 3 computers with the same hostname. Next, we look at their install dates. Then we also look at their last check-in dates.
By comparing their install and last check-in dates, you can see that only one of the computers is truly a duplicate because two of the computers were active on the same date, so ThreatLocker will only remove the computer that was installed on 1/3/2022. (The computer installed on 1/2 checked in on 1/7, two days after a computer with the same hostname was installed.)
ThreatLocker will only remove computers with the same hostname as long as they have NOT been active in the ThreatLocker Portal at the same time. Any computers that were active (checking in) during the same time, will not be seen as duplicates and will NOT be removed.