ConnectWise Manage Custom Integration

6 min. readlast update: 04.19.2024

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As a courtesy, ThreatLocker has created an interface in the ThreatLocker Portal where you can create an integration between your ConnectWise Manage Account and your ThreatLocker account. Before you proceed with setting up this Integration within ThreatLocker, you will need to set up a Custom Security Role, API Member, and API Keys within ConnectWise.

Per ConnectWise's recommendations, the API user requires Admin permissions. 



To harden your environment, we have had some success with the settings shown below. If these configurations don't work for you, return the setting to Admin. Reach out to us and we can work with you to try and configure your settings a bit more restrictively.

Once it is set up, this integration will sync daily.

Creating a Custom Security Role in ConnectWise

  • Navigate to System > Security Roles.  
  • Select the + New Item button. 
  • Enter a name for the Role ID.
  • Click the Save button.
  • Navigate to Security Modules for Role (Role name) 
  • For better security, select only the permissions required for this Integration.
  • Be sure to click 'Save' to save your settings.



Creating an API Member in ConnectWise

  • Navigate to System > Members
  • Select the API Members tab
  • Select the + New Item button.
  • Fill out the New Member form.
  • Select your custom security role for the Role ID.
  • Be sure to click 'Save' to save your settings.

Generating the API Key in ConnectWise

  • Open the API Member you created above.
  • Navigate to API Keys
  • Select the + New Item button.
  • Enter a description for this API Key.
  • Once you click 'Save', the Public and Private API Keys will be displayed.


Setting up your Integration in the ThreatLocker Portal

To set up your custom Integration between ThreatLocker and ConnectWise Manage, navigate to the Integrations page in the ThreatLocker Portal and select the 'New Integration' button at the top of the page.



In the Integrations window, click the 'Setup' button next to ConnectWise.


In the 'Setup' tab, you will need to select your ConnectWise Server Url from the dropdown menu.  


You can choose between the North American Cloud, European Cloud, Australian Cloud, or your On-Premise Url if you have one. If you select On-Premise, a textbox will populate and you will need to enter the Url of your On-Premise server.


You will need to retrieve the Public API Key and Private API Key from your ConnectWise Manage account. 

Input those keys into the corresponding text boxes in the Setup tab.   





Input your Company ID from ConnectWise into the Company ID text box. This is your login Company ID, not the Company ID from the ConnectWise portal.



Click the 'Validate and Save' button.


If you have correctly input your information, the Company Mapping tab will populate.



Company Mapping

Select the Type(s) of organizations and the Status(es) of Organizations in your ConnectWise Manage account that you would like to map to your ThreatLocker Organizations. Then click the 'Populate ConnectWise Organizations' button.


A list of your ThreatLocker Organizations will populate, along with a dropdown menu next to each one to enable you to match your ThreatLocker Organizations to your ConnectWise Organizations.


Select the corresponding ConnectWise Organization from the dropdown menu next to each ThreatLocker Organization you wish to map to.


Once you have made your selections, press the 'Save' button in the top left.


Once you have saved your mapping, the Ticket Configuration, Agreement Configuration, and Executive Summary tabs will populate.



Ticket Configuration

When an organization has the ConnectWise integration and Ticket Configuration is set up, then when an approval request is sent to ThreatLocker, a ticket will be generated in their ConnectWise portal.

In the Ticket Configuration tab, you can select where you would like your ThreatLocker Approval Requests to be placed within your ConnectWise Manage account.



Select the Board, Source, Type, and Subtype, and your ThreatLocker Approval Requests will be sent to that location. Be sure you click the 'Save' button after making your selections.

To ensure that tickets are populated in your ConnectWise console, be sure you have a default member set in ConnectWise for the board you are selecting from the 'Board' dropdown menu in the ThreatLocker Portal.  

Once any action (approve, deny, etc.) is taken on a ticket by ThreatLocker, the resulting changes will be seen in the ConnectWise Portal after a 15-minute delay. This will show as the selected close status, based upon their selection on the Ticket Configuration tab.

Please note: In order for tickets that are closed in ThreatLocker to be automatically closed in you Manage account, the Board you have specified must include a status that contains the text 'closed'. This text is not case-sensitive.  



Agreement Configuration

The Agreement Configuration options will be populated according to your company mapping. In the dropdown menus, you will see the selections that are available for the ConnectWise Organization you mapped that ThreatLocker Organization to back on the Company Mapping tab.  

First, you need to select an Agreement from the Agreement dropdown, then the Product list for that particular Agreement will populate in the Product dropdown menu. In ConnectWise Manage, Products are listed under 'Additions'.

Make all your selections and then click the 'Save' button. 



Based on the settings here, the license count for the Organization in ConnectWise will be updated. Each product selected here will be updated in ConnectWise based on the number of computers in ThreatLocker. This count will sync every day so you won't need to manually change the license number in ConnectWise Manage. 








Executive Summary

In ConnectWise Manage, Executive Summaries are called Configurations.  


Currently, you can have a report of the Top 10 Applications permitted in the last 30 days, the Top 10 Applications blocked in the last 30 days, the number of Secured machines, or the number of Unsecured machines sent to your ConnectWise Manage account.

From the options listed, you can select whichever summaries you want to receive in ConnectWise Manage, and click the 'Save' button.

The name of the Configuration Type in ConnectWise Manage is 'ThreatLocker Monthly'.  



The name of the Configuration in ConnectWise Manage is 'ThreatLocker Executive Summary'. When you click on 'ThreatLocker Executive Summary' in ConnectWise Manage, the summaries you selected from within the ThreatLocker Integration settings will be visible under 'Configuration Questions'.




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