Updating the ThreatLocker Version on a Single Computer

1 min. readlast update: 05.09.2024

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You can update the ThreatLocker Version running on a single computer. This is helpful to give you the opportunity to test out a newer version of ThreatLocker before updating your entire organization.

Navigate to the Computers page. You will see a column entitled 'TL Version'. By default, the setting will be 'Inherit From Group' which means that the version is controlled by the settings of the computer group.

To change the ThreatLocker Version, select the current version or select the device and click "Upgrade Version".

Next, select the desired version from the dropdown menu.


Note: Before the version changes can take effect, the ThreatLocker Service will need to be restarted twice. The first restart pulls the download files manually, second restart (after the next check in) applies the update. You can allow this to happen organically with a computer restart or you can force a service restart from the computers page.

When you are ready to update an entire computer group to the newer version, please see our KB article on updating your computer groups here.


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