Uninstalling the ThreatLocker MAC Agent

1 min. readlast update: 04.04.2024


Before uninstalling the ThreatLocker MAC Agent, you must turn off the Tamper Protection Feature in the ThreatLocker Portal.

Disable Tamper Protection | ThreatLocker Help Center (kb.help) 

The remaining steps are automated via a script which can be found here, or they can be manually completed with the following steps.

Click on the ThreatLocker icon in the tray. Select 'Quit'.


Users using MAC Agent 1.0 and above will have the app automatically removed by the uninstall command.

Open Terminal by clicking the icon located at the bottom of the screen.


Run the following Terminal command: 

open /Applications/ThreatLocker.app --args -uninstall 

This will delete the baseline. This is especially important if you are removing the ThreatLocker App to reinstall it.  

In order for the machine to be able to be deleted, it must be displayed as "Offline". Which will reflect in the portal after 15 minutes of not checking in.

Lastly, you will go into the portal under the Computers tab, select the machine, and select the delete button.


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