Help Desk

14 min. readlast update: 02.07.2024
Note: This article contains directions for both the ThreatLocker Portal and the ThreatLocker Legacy Portal. If you are using the Legacy Portal, you can find directions for creating a new support ticket by scrolling down in the article.

For more information about the Help Desk, visit our ThreatLocker University course, Help Desk.

Creating a New Ticket in the ThreatLocker Portal.

Click on the 'Help' button located towards the top-right of the page and select 'Help Desk' from the drop-down menu.

Alternatively, you can click 'Chat with a Cyber Hero' to begin chatting with a member of our support team and a ticket will be automatically opened for you. 



Click the '+ New Ticket' button located at the top left of the screen to start a new ticket.



A new window will popup at the bottom right of the screen in which you will begin creating your ticket. All fields in this window must be filled out before a ticket can be created.

You will be prompted to select an 'Action'; deciding between 'Chat With A Cyber Hero' or 'Submit Offline Ticket'.  

Submitting a ticket offline will be creating a ticket without speaking directly with a Cyber Hero. This is similar to sending an email. Offline is a good option for concerns or suggestions that do not need immediate attention. 



  For issues that require immediate assistance, please choose the Action 'Chat With A Cyber Hero'.   

 By default, the Organization will be the Organization that you are currently managing. If this issue affects a different Organization, please input the correct Organization. 



By default, the Primary Contact will be the account you are logged in under. If a different Administrator needs to be the Primary Contact, please select the corresponding email address from the 'Primary Contact' dropdown. 




Next, enter a brief summary of the issue you are opening a support ticket for.

Now, you can click 'Chat Now' if you are starting a chat with a Cyber Hero.

If you are submitting an offline ticket, you are required to enter something into the 'Description of Issue' field before clicking 'Submit Ticket'. 



If you are beginning a chat, a LiveChat popup will open at the bottom right of your screen. Here, you will begin chatting with a Cyber Hero. 

Once you close the LiveChat window, a new popup will appear letting you know your ticket has been submitted successfully. The entire chat transcript will be automatically imported into the ticket.

If you are opening an Offline ticket, no chat window will popup. A new popup will appear letting you know your ticket has been submitted successfully.  



The Ticket Window

At the very top of the ticket window, you will see the auto-populated ticket number, the ticket summary you input when opening the ticket, and the status of the ticket.



The very left section of the ticket window gives a brief overview of the ticket history. 



  • Created By: The name of person who created the ticket. 
  • Created Date: The date the ticket was created. 
  • Last Updated By: The name of the person who last updated the ticket. 
  • Last Updated: The date the ticket was last updated. 


The center of the ticket window shows more information about the ticket. 



  • Organization: The Organization this issue is affecting.  You can change the Organization here if needed.  
  • Primary Contact: The person who will receive all of the communication regarding the ticket. This can be changed if you need to edit what you had originally selected. 
  • CC Contacts: This is where you can add other Administrators that will also receive communication regarding this ticket.  You can select any email from the dropdown menu or type in other email addresses as desired.
  • Summary of Issue: The summary you inputted when first opening the ticket. You can edit this if desired. 
  • Description of Issue:  The more detailed description of your issue you inputted when first opening the ticket. You can edit this if desired.  

The right-side of the ticket window is where you are able to write comments and read any correspondence that has taken place. 



If you make a change in the ticket, you will see a popup message confirming the details have successfully been updated. 



Lastly, the bottom right corner of the ticket window has three action buttons. 

  • Mark Resolved will mark the ticket status as resolved and close the ticket.
  • Chat Now will open a chat with a Cyber Hero. The chat transcript will appear in the comment section of your existing ticket, as seen in the image below.
  • Close Dialog will close the ticket window. 



The Help Desk Main Page


Filters/Search Options 

There are many filter and search options available on the Help Desk page. 


  • Ticket # - If you have a specific ticket number, you can search for it here.
  • Primary Contact - filter to only see tickets requested by a specific Primary Contact 
  • Organization - filter to only see tickets pertaining to a specific Organization
  • Summary - filter for keywords in the summary
  • Status Category - filter to only see tickets with a specific status
  • Created - select a date to see all tickets created ending on the date you select
  • Last Updated- select a date to see all tickets last updated on the date you select 

Above the ticket grid, the 'Include closed tickets' checkbox will show closed tickets as well as pending tickets in the ticket grid. The refresh icon will refresh the page so you can see if changes were made to any tickets. 



There is a + New Ticket button on the top of the ticket grid, used to open a new ticket.  

The data grid is divided into columns. These columns match the search/filter parameters.


  • The Ticket # column which displays the ticket number.
  • The Primary Contact column shows the Primary Contact's name and email address.
  • The Organization column shows what Organization the ticket pertains to.
  • The Summary column shows the summary of the ticket.
  • The Status Category column displays the current status of the ticket. 
  • The Created column shows when the ticket was created. 
  • The Last Updated column shows when the ticket was last updated. 


Resolving Tickets


If you have a ticket that has been marked as 'Resolved' by the ThreatLocker Staff you will be prompted upon login to confirm the status by selecting 'Confirm Resolved' and 'Mark as Not Resolved'. 



You can click on the ticket number or the summary of the issue to open the ticket where you can investigate and verify if you are satisfied that the issue has been resolved.  

If the ticket has been resolved, click the 'Confirm Resolved' button. You will then be prompted to rate your experience and given an opportunity to provide additional feedback if you'd like to.

Click 'Submit Review' to complete the resolution of that ticket. 


If the ticket was not resolved, click the 'Mark as Not Resolved' ticket where you can provide additional information for ThreatLocker Staff.

This popup can be closed using the X in the top right-hand corner. However, each time you log in, this popup will reoccur until all tickets have been addressed. 

Help Desk on the ThreatLocker Legacy Portal

When you click 'Get help from a Cyber Hero' a ticket will be automatically opened for you. To view, edit, or close any ticket, navigate to the Help Desk Page by clicking 'Help Desk' under the 'Help and Support' drop-down in the menu on left-hand side. New tickets can also be opened from the Help Desk Page. 



To Open A New Support Ticket

Click the 'Open New Ticket' button located at the top left of the screen. Or you can click the 'Get Help From a Cyber Hero' button from any page in the ThreatLocker Portal and that will also open the same window as the 'Open New Ticket' button.



A popup window will open in which you will begin creating your ticket. All fields in this window must be filled out before a ticket can be created.

You will be prompted to select if you would like to submit the ticket via 'Chat' or 'Offline'.  

Opening a ticket 'Offline' will be creating a ticket without speaking directly with a Cyber Hero. This is similar to sending an email. Offline is a good option for putting in Feature Requests or Custom Report Requests.

  For issues that require immediate assistance, please choose to submit tickets via 'Chat'.   




By default, the Organization will be the Organization that you are currently managing. If this issue affects a different Organization, please select the correct Organization from the 'Organization' dropdown.



By default, the Primary Contact will be the account you are logged in under. If a different Administrator needs to be the Primary Contact, please select the corresponding email address from the 'Primary Contact' dropdown.


Next, enter a brief summary of the issue you are opening a support ticket for.


Now, you can click 'Create Now' if you are submitting an Offline ticket, or 'Start Chat Now' if you are submitting a ticket via chat.

If you are beginning a chat, a LiveChat popup will open in the bottom right corner of the ticket window. Here, you will begin a chat with a Cyber Hero in the same way as if you click the 'Get help from a Cyber Hero' button. You will notice that the ticket you have created will remain open in the background.  


Once you close the LiveChat window, the entire chat transcript will be automatically imported into the 'Ticket History' tab.



If you are opening an Offline ticket, no chat window will popup, you will be taken directly to the ticket window.

The Ticket Window

 At the very top of the ticket window, you will see the auto-populated ticket number and the ticket summary you input when opening the ticket.



Next, you will see 2 tabs: the 'Ticket Information' tab and the 'Ticket History' tab.

Ticket Information Tab

Summary is the summary you input when first opening the ticket. You can edit this if desired.

Description is where you can provide a more detailed description of your issue.

Organization is the Organization this issue is affecting. You can change the Organization here if needed.

Primary Contact can be changed if you need to edit what you had originally selected.

Ticket CC is where you can add other Administrators that will also receive communication regarding this ticket. You can select any email from the dropdown menu or type in other email addresses as desired. Be sure to click the 'Add' button after each selection to add them to the box below.

Ticket Owner can not be edited. If you are opening this ticket via chat, the Cyber Hero that answered your chat will be assigned as the Ticket Owner. If you are open this ticket Offline, the owner will be unassigned until a member of ThreatLocker Staff picks it up from the ticket queue.  

Category is where you will specify what type of issue you are reporting.  

  • General Support - this is where most issues will fall and is the default setting
  • Potential Bug- this is where you will report potential bugs
  • New Built-In Request - this is where you will submit requests for new Built-In Applications
  • New Feature Request - this is where you will submit a request for new features
  • New Custom Report Request - this is where you will submit a request for new custom reports


  • Status will not be editable but will show the status of your ticket
  • Close Ticket Button can be pressed to close your ticket, marking it as 'Resolved'

When you make any changes to this 'Ticket Information' area, you will receive a message reminding you to be sure to click the 'Save Changes' button before you close the ticket.

 After you have pressed the 'Save Changes' button, you will receive a message confirming the details have successfully been updated.


Ticket History Tab

The 'Ticket History' tab will show the complete history of communication on this ticket. Any chats that occurred regarding this ticket will be added to the 'Ticket History' tab along with messages that have gone back and forth between you and ThreatLocker Staff.



At the bottom of the details/history window, you will see the date the ticket was created, the last time it was modified, who created it, and who last modified it. This is not editable and will remain static and visible from both tabs.



Below that is where you can type a message to ThreatLocker Staff and once you click 'Reply' it will attach a message to this ticket, along with sending an email to each person in the Ticket CC box. 

You also have the option to add attachments by clicking the ‘Add Attachments’ button.

Help Desk Main Page


Filters/Search Options




There are many filter and search options available on the Help Desk page.

  1.  Ticket # - If you have a specific ticket number you can search for it here.
  2. Created Date/From - select a date to see all tickets created starting on the date you select
  3. Created Date/To - select a date to see all tickets created ending on the date you select
  4. Primary Contact - filter to only see tickets requested by a specific Primary Contact (wildcards are accepted in this search box)
  5. Organization Name - filter to only see tickets pertaining to a specific Organization (wildcards are accepted in this search box)
  6. Assigned to - filter to only see tickets assigned to a specific person
  7. Status - filter to only see tickets with a specific status
  8. Category - filter to only see tickets in a specific category

 There are two checkboxes located above the ticket grid.  

The 'Include resolved tickets' checkbox will show resolved tickets as well as pending tickets in the ticket grid. 

Selecting the 'Enable Auto-refresh every 60 seconds' checkbox automatically refreshes the page every 60 seconds so you can see if changes were made to any tickets in near real-time. 



Help Desk Main Page Ticket Grid

 There are 2 buttons on the top of the ticket grid: Open New Ticket and Resolve Tickets

  • Open New Ticket - used to open a new ticket 
  • Resolve Tickets - select the checkbox next to all tickets you want to mark as 'Resolved' then click the Resolve Tickets button.




The data grid is divided into columns. The first column contains 2 buttons: View/Update Ticket and Chat.  

  • View/Update Ticket will open the Ticket Window.
  • Chat will initiate a Chat popup.

The next column is a checkbox. This can be used for selecting multiple tickets to Resolve using the 'Resolve Tickets' button.

Then there is the Ticket # column which displays the ticket number.

The Organization column shows what Organization the ticket pertains to.

The Requester Info column shows the Primary Contact's email address and phone number.

The Subject column shows the subject of the tickets.

The Ticket Owner column contains a dropdown box that displays the current Ticket Owner, which is the ThreatLocker Staff Member that is handling the ticket. It is not editable.

The Status column contains a dropdown box that displays the current Status of the ticket and is not editable. 

The Category column contains a dropdown box that displays the current Category of the ticket, and where a new Category can be selected. 

The Created column shows the date/time the ticket was created. 

The Last Updated column shows the date/time the ticket was last updated. 


Resolving Tickets


If you have tickets that have been marked as 'Resolved' by the ThreatLocker Staff you will be prompted upon login to verify that the tickets are 'Resolved' or 'Not Resolved'.  



You can click the 'View Ticket' button to open the ticket where you can investigate and verify if you are satisfied that the issue has been resolved.  

If the ticket has been resolved, click the 'Resolved' button. You will then be prompted to rate your experience and given an opportunity to provide additional feedback if you'd like to.



Click 'Submit' to complete the resolution of that ticket.

If the ticket was not resolved, click the 'Not Resolved' ticket where you can provide additional information for ThreatLocker Staff.

This popup can be closed using the X in the top right-hand corner. However, each time you log in, this popup will reoccur until all tickets have been addressed.



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