Deploying the ThreatLocker Agent through Kaseya VSA X

2 min. readlast update: 03.18.2024
Note: For organizations deploying to a large amount of endpoints, ThreatLocker recommends using a staggered deployment approach. Organizations that deploy to a large number of endpoints at once may experience increased bandwidth usage as Windows Core and application definitions are downloaded to each endpoint. QOS can be used to limit bandwidth to and

Below, you will find the steps for deploying the ThreatLocker agent through Kaseya VSAX.

Step 1: Set up the script.




  • Enable Windows to insert the PowerShell script.
  • Save

Step 2: Set up the task.

  • Navigate to Automation->Tasks
  • Create a new task.
  • Name the task.
  • Adjust the scope of the task to all machines you want to deploy to.


  • Navigate to the scripts tab.
  • locate the folder where you saved the ThreatLocker script.
  • Click the plus sign to add the script.


  • Save the task.
  • Run the task.



Note: Each group you deploy to in VSAX will need to have a custom field for Original Machine Group Name assigned in order for ThreatLocker to gather the name of the group. You can find this under Configuration->Organizations



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