Deploying ThreatLocker to MAC with Intune

2 min. readlast update: 03.11.2024
Note: For organizations deploying to a large amount of endpoints, ThreatLocker recommends using a staggered deployment approach. Organizations that deploy to a large number of endpoints at once may experience increased bandwidth usage as macOS Core and application definitions are downloaded to each endpoint. QOS can be used to limit bandwidth to  

Below, you will find the steps for MAC deployment through Microsoft Intune. 

Step 1: Import Configuration Profile for ThreatLocker 

Download the following ZIP file, unzip the configuration profile, and import it into the Intune portal:


Assign this profile to the group(s) that you are deploying ThreatLocker to.

Step 2: Import Deployment Script for ThreatLocker 

Download the script from the following link and save it as “”

Locate your GroupKey and replace it in the code "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx". 

Save the file as 

From Intune Navigate to Devices > macOS > Shell Scripts > Select Add 

Name the script ThreatLocker Deployment Script and Select Next 

Under Upload script navigate to the file  

Select the following options:  

  • Run script as signed-in user: No 
  • Hide script notifications on devices: Yes 
  • Script frequency: Every 1 day (this can be reduced to 15 minutes for testing) 
  • Max number of times to retry if script fails: 3 times 


Add to the Same Group as the Configuration Profile has been added. 


Select Next > Add 

You can monitor the deployment through the script overview: 



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