Creating a New Organization

2 min. readlast update: 08.26.2024

To create a new organization, navigate to the Organizations Page and select the '+ New Organization' button towards the top left of the screen. 



The 'Create New Organization' panel will populate. 


Here, you can configure the details and settings for your new organization to meet your needs. 


Organization Details

Under the 'Organization Details' section, you can enter the name of the organization. In the 'Identifier' text box, you will need to put the name of the organization as it is in your RMM if you use one. This is the field that ThreatLocker matches when running deployment scripts. If no organization is matched, ThreatLocker will create a new organization with the specified 'Identifier'. The time zone of the organization can also be set here.      





The 'Settings' section is where you can specify whether your organization utilizes a ThreatLocker proxy, whether it is ITAR Compliant, and set a default time period for Elevation requests that come through the Approval Center.   



Customized Tray Branding

This section will allow you to customize the ThreatLocker tray and popup window icon.  

Under 'App Name' you can specify the name of the app as it will appear in your user popup windows. For more information about App Name Branding, please see our KB article located here.

'Logo' lets you link to a web-hosted image to replace the logo on the popup window your end users will receive. The logo size can be up to 125 x 125 and must be a .jpeg. In the photo below, the logo is highlighted with a red square. For details on how to implement popup branding, please see our KB article located here.  

'Tray Icon' is where you can link to a 16 x 16 .ico file to change the little tray icon. You may also hide this tray icon by typing (hide) in this textbox.nFor details on how to implement tray branding, please see the KB article located here.       



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