Uninstalling the ThreatLocker Agent

2 min. readlast update: 02.10.2025
**Uninstalling ThreatLocker is not a solution to issues and it can make them harder to diagnose. If you are experiencing issues, please contact the Cyber Heroes.**

Temporarily Disable ThreatLocker

In the event that you are removing ThreatLocker in order to verify that ThreatLocker itself is not responsible for an application not functioning, you are able to stop the ThreatLocker Service temporarily. 

ThreatLocker cannot be uninstalled or stopped while Tamper Protection is enabled. 

To temporarily stop the ThreatLocker service:

  • Disable Tamper Protection (For instructions on how to disable tamper protection, please refer to our article) -- Disabling Tamper Protection
  • Open Command Prompt as an Administrator.
  • Type "net stop HealthTLService" to stop the Health Service. (This step must be done before you attempt to stop the ThreatLocker Service as it will revive the ThreatLocker Service)
Note: On older versions of ThreatLocker, the Health Service is named "HealthTService" 
  • Type "net stop threatlockerservice" to stop the ThreatLocker Service.
  • Type "net stop threatlockerdriver" to stop the ThreatLocker Driver.
  • Press Enter. 

You may also manually stop the services in the Windows Services control panel.





Uninstalling ThreatLocker

You may uninstall the ThreatLocker Agent via the use of our Stub Installer.

For a successful uninstall of the ThreatLocker Agent:

  • Disable Tamper Protection (For instructions on how to disable Tamper Protection, please refer to our article, -- Disabling Tamper Protection


Note: ThreatLocker cannot be uninstalled or stopped while Tamper Protection is enabled.


After you have Disabled Tamper Protection, the computer status will show the following message:

  • Download the installer that best suits your operating system (x64 or x86):
  • Run Command Prompt as an administrator
  • Navigate to the file path where the Stub Installer is located (Changing Directory within CMD)
  • Run the following command:
    • ThreatLockerStubX64.exe uninstall

ThreatLocker will now uninstall

Uninstall Script

You may download a batch script to uninstall ThreatLocker.

Alternatively, you may download a PowerShell script.



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