ThreatLocker Mobile App Version 3.5.1

7 min. readlast update: 05.01.2024



Available on both Apple and Android devices, the ThreatLocker Mobile Application is free to use and works in conjunction with the ThreatLocker web portal. It was created to provide a more convenient way for you to manage your endpoints, as well as provide fast access to your accounts. 

The application does not offer all the features provided in the web portal, but this was done intentionally to keep the application simplified and streamlined as a way to provide easier management. 

ThreatLocker highly recommends using the mobile app because it will lessen any potential friction between you and your end users.


The Login Screen




Input your ThreatLocker Portal username.

Click 'Continue'. 



Input your ThreatLocker Portal password into the 'Password' text box.

Select your Inactivity Timeout from the dropdown menu.

Click the 'Login' button.

For SMS or OTC 2-Factor Authentication, you will need to retrieve your code and input it into the 'One Time Code' textbox. Next, click 'Submit'.

For DUO, you will need to approve your DUO push and then you will be logged into ThreatLocker Mobile. 

ThreatLocker Mobile does not currently support authentication using Yubikey.



Depending upon your user permissions, when accessing the application you will be directed to one of two places: the Approval Requests page or the Computers page. The hamburger menu icon in the upper left-hand corner of the screen will allow you to navigate between the other pages: Approvals, Computers, QR Scanner, Help Desk, Help, and LogOut.


Click the hamburger icon (3 lines) beside the ThreatLocker Logo to open the menu. 



The Approvals Page 

Using the Approvals page in the mobile app will not allow for use of the ThreatLocker Testing Environment.

From the menu, select 'Approvals'. Listed will be all pending Application, Elevation, and Storage Approval Requests for organizations you manage.

At the top of the page, you will see a filter bar where you can select to view 'All Requests', 'Application Requests', or 'Elevation Requests'.



Below the filter is a Search bar. You can input all or part of a file name to bring up requests that match that file name.


Below the Search bar, you will see the request list.

The top line on each request is the name of the Organization.


Next is the Hostname where the request originated.


Listed 3rd is the username of the logged-in user when the request was sent.


Below the username is the name of the file that is being requested.


The bottom line shows what type of request this is.


Click the 'Ignore' button to ignore the request and remove it from the list.



Click the blue 'View' button to open the corresponding request. 

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If after looking at this request, you decide you don't want to permit it, click the 'X' in the top left-hand corner.


If you have decided to permit this file, press the green 'Permit' button to open the page where you can process this request.



At the top of the next screen, you will be informed if this file matches an existing application, and can select to add this file to the matching application, an existing application, or to create a new application for it. 

Next, you can choose to add Ringfencing if desired. 

You can select a Policy Expiration, apply Elevation if needed, and select where to apply this new policy to. 

Expanding the Administrator Notes section will provide a location to enter optional information: Ticket #, Requestor name or email address, and comments. 

Click the blue checkmark button to finish permitting this request.  


Push Notifications

To receive push notifications when you receive an approval request, you will need to agree to permit the app to give you push notifications. You will also need to ensure you have selected the checkbox next to 'Notify on request' in the Edit Administrator window in the ThreatLocker web portal for the account using the mobile app.



The Computers Page

From the menu, select 'Computers'. You will be taken to a list of all the computers you currently manage, including computers in child organizations.  

The top line in each entry is the name of the Organization.  



The second line is the name of the computer.


Any active Maintenance Periods will be listed below the name of the computer.


Buttons that have a colorful icon signify an active Maintenance period.


Any buttons with icons in gray signify an inactive Maintenance period.



Computers Page Search

You can search by computer name, group name, or Organization name by inputting all or part of the name into the search bar at the top of the screen and then clicking 'Search'. 



Clicking on a specific computer listing will expand it.




Enabling Learning Mode

Please note: Learning and Monitor Only Mode will only work if you have enabled Application Control on your account.

Click the button that has the book and video camera icons next to the computer you wish to enable Learning Mode on. 

Next, select either 'Learning Automatic Group', 'Learning Automatic Computer', or 'Learning Automatic System' from the menu. 



  • Automatic Group will enable a one-hour Learning Mode on that computer. ThreatLocker will catalog all files that are being installed and executed on that computer and automatically create policies for the computer group the selected computer is in. All activity will be recorded in the Unified Audit. At the conclusion of the 1-hour period, the computer will switch to 'Secure'.
  • Automatic Computer will begin a one-hour Learning Mode on that computer. ThreatLocker will catalog all files that are being installed and executed on that computer and automatically create policies for just that single computer. All activity will be recorded in the Unified Audit. At the conclusion of the 1-hour period, the computer will switch to 'Secure'. 
  • Automatic System will begin a one-hour Learning Mode on that computer. ThreatLocker will catalog all drivers that are being installed and create a policy for them for that single computer. All activity will be recorded in the Unified Audit. At the conclusion of the 1-hour period, the computer will switch to 'Secure'. 

After you make your selection, the button will change color and the selected mode will be listed below the computer name.  

To end any maintenance period before the hour is up, click the desired button a second time, and then click 'Yes' on the alert that populates. The computer will then switch to 'Secure'.




Enabling Monitor Only Mode

Select the button that has the book and video camera icons.


Select 'Monitor Only' from the menu.


This will place the selected computer into a Monitor-Only status. No files will be blocked, nothing will be learned, and no policies will be created. All activity will be tracked in the Unified Audit. The computer will switch to 'Secure' at the end of the hour.

To end the Maintenance period early, click the button a second time and then click 'Yes' on the alert. The computer will then switch to 'Secure'.  


Enabling Elevation

Please Note: Elevation button will only function if you have purchased and enabled the Elevation product on your ThreatLocker account.

Click the button with the up arrow.


The button will change color, and a one-hour Elevation period will be enabled on the computer. All activity will be recorded in the Unified Audit.   

To end the Elevation period early, click the button a second time and then click 'Yes' on the alert.


To refresh any page, pull down.



QR Scanner

Once you are running the ThreatLocker tray service on a computer, you can right click the ThreatLocker icon to display a QR code. The QR code can then be scanned with the Mobile Application's QR Scanner or the device's native camera.  

Scanning the QR code will allow you to manage the specific computer quickly within the mobile application's Computers page. 

QR Scanner requires Edit Computers permission.







Help Desk

Help Desk on the Mobile Application allows you to create and manage tickets on the go.






For more information about how to use the mobile app, please see our ThreatLocker Mobile App course in ThreatLocker University.
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