Restarting the ThreatLocker Agent

2 min. readlast update: 07.10.2024

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This article will cover the steps required to restart the ThreatLocker Agent on a computer.

This is most commonly used to force the Agent to update to the latest version.

Restarting the ThreatLocker Agent

First, you will need to Log into the ThreatLocker Portal and navigate to the Computers Page using the left menu.

Select the checkbox next to the desired computer, then select 'Restart Agent' > 'Selected Device' to restart the service on only select computers.

Alternatively, the ThreatLocker Service can be restarted for all devices in this organization using the 'All Devices' button.

To restart the ThreatLocker Service on all computers in the managed organization, select the hamburger menu > Restart Agent (ALL). All computers in the organization you are managing will have the ThreatLocker Service restarted without the need to select checkboxes next to the computers. If you also have the checkbox next to 'Show computers for child organizations' selected, the ThreatLocker Service will be restarted on all computers in all child organizations as well. 

Once pressed, you will receive the following message confirming the service restart has been initiated. 

End users will NOT be impacted by restarting the ThreatLocker Service.

Note: Computers running a ThreatLocker agent version below cannot be restarted using this method.


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