Post Request URL

4 min. readlast update: 11.29.2023
Note: This article contains directions for both the ThreatLocker Portal and the ThreatLocker Legacy Portal. If you are using the Legacy Portal, you can find the appropriate directions by scrolling down in the article.


Beginning with ThreatLocker Agent Version 7.7, you can configure the 'Send Request' button of an Approval or Elevation Request to open a browser window displaying a specified URL on the requesting user's device. 

This URL that you specify during the configuration is called a Post Request URL (or a Redirect URL). It can be any valid link.

Note: This is a ServiceNow integration.

There are two ways to configure a Post Request, or Redirect, URL:

  • By Policy - When a user requests to access a storage device or run a new program, you can configure the 'Send Request' button to open a browser window displaying the specified URL on the requesting user's device.
    • This only applies to policies with the policy actions 'Deny' and 'Request'.
  • By Computer Group - When a user from a specific computer group requests Elevation, you can configure the 'Send Request' button to open a browser window displaying the specified URL on the requesting user's device.
For more information about Post Request URL or use cases, please see the ThreatLocker University course, Post Request URL.

ThreatLocker Portal

Configure a Redirect URL for a Specific Policy

To begin, select the Application Control or Storage Control policy you would like to edit. The Policy Actions must be Deny and Request.


Once the Edit Policy panel opens, navigate to the 'ThreatLocker Tray Notification' tab and locate the 'Redirect URL' section.


Here, you can enter the URL you would like to redirect users to once they submit the request. For more information about replacing valid parameters in the URL, please see the 'Replacing Valid Parameters in the URL' section located further down in this article.

Remember to Deploy Policies after saving your changes.

Configure a Redirect URL for a Computer Group

Configuring this option will open a browser window displaying the specified URL on the requesting user's device for every Elevation request that comes from a user/device in the computer group. To begin, select the Computer Group you would like to edit.  


Once the Edit Computer Group panel opens, navigate to the 'Tray Settings' tab and locate the 'Redirect URL' section.


Here, you can enter the URL you would like to redirect users in the selected Computer Group to once they submit their requests. For more information about replacing valid parameters in the URL, please see the 'Replacing Valid Parameters in the URL' section located further down in this article.

Replacing Valid Parameters in the URL

In the 'Redirect URL' section, you may specify a Redirect URL and replace any valid parameters preceded and followed by "%%" with the corresponding value. Once this optional feature is configured, clicking the 'Send Request' button will open a browser window displaying the specified URL on the requesting user's device.


Valid parameters include: 

  • %%hostname%%
  • %%filename%% 
  • %%approvalrequestid%% 
  • %%requestoremailaddress%%
  • %%username%% - (requires ThreatLocker Agent Version 8.1 or above)
  • %%actiontype%% - (requires ThreatLocker Agent Version 8.1 or above)   
Please note, these parameters are case sensitive and need to be all lowercase.

For example, a client is able to pass their API 2 values, hostname and filename, and use their API parameter names.    

ThreatLocker Legacy Portal

To begin, click the pencil edit icon next to any policy with the actions deny and request. 


Additionally, you may specify a Redirect URL and replace any valid parameters proceeded and followed by "%%" with the corresponding value.  

Valid parameters include: 

  • %%hostname%%
  • %%filename%% 
  • %%approvalrequestid%% 
  • %%requestoremailaddress%%
  • %%username%% - (requires ThreatLocker Agent Version 8.1 or above)
  • %%actiontype%% - (requires ThreatLocker Agent Version 8.1 or above)  
Please note, these parameters are case sensitive and need to be all lowercase.

For example, a client is able to pass their API 2 values, hostname and filename, and use their API parameter names.  

Once this optional feature is configured, clicking the Send Request button will open a browser window displaying the specified URL on the requesting user's device.


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