This article covers the setup to allow ThreatLocker requests to be translated into tickets in your ConnectWise Manage instance
Log into your ConnectWise Manage instance
Navigate to System > Setup Tables

Search for the Table "Email Connector" and select it
Select the email connector you wish to use
Select the Add + icon at the bottom of the page for Parsing Rules

Use "Custom" for "Folder Parsing Type" and input {company} - {problem} for the "Email Subject Line Parsing Rule"

This will now add the request under the Company that matches the Display Name in ThreatLocker
Setting the Ticket Options
If you wish to set the ticket options for the ThreatLocker Requests, select the > icon next to the Parsing Rule

Select "{problem} / Problem Description" from the "Parsing Variable" dropdown list
Then input "ThreatLocker Request" (without the quotation marks) under "Text to search for"
You can now select the priority, status, type, subtype, and item for the tickets raised