Deploying Policies

2 min. readlast update: 10.09.2024

ThreatLocker will notify you of possible Policy changes that have yet to take effect by creating a red 'Deploy Policies' button in the upper left-hand corner of the portal. This button must be selected to apply to any policy changes.  

Global Policies and policies created as a result of an Approval Request are exceptions and will be covered below. 

Note: If you are in your initial Learning Mode, policies will automatically be deployed to the endpoints according to the Learning settings (e.g. computer group, entire organization) once a day. However, if a machine is locked down, meaning the PC is in Secured Mode, Policies will only be deployed once the 'Deploy Policies' button has been selected.

Deploying Policies to a Single Computer

To deploy to a single computer directly from the Edit Computer sidebar. Click on a computer listed in the Computer page to open the sidebar and notice the 'Deploy Polices' button in the top right corner.  Pressing this will deploy all pending policy changes to the selected computer.

Approval Requests

When an Approval Request is approved, the computer from which the approval was generated will automatically have the resulting policy deployed to it.  If the approval was set to apply to a computer group or the entire organization, only the requesting computer will automatically have the policy deployed; the remaining members of the group or organization will require the 'Deploy Policies' button to be selected.

Global Policies

Any time a change to a global Policy is made, you will need to Deploy Policies from the Organizations page. This method must be used for all Global Policy configurations for the changes to take effect.

Navigate to the Organizations page.

  • Select the gray 'hamburger' button.
  • Select the 'Deploy All Policies' button.

Alternatively, it is also possible to pick and choose which organizations to deploy to.

  • Select the checkbox beside the Organizations you wish to deploy to.
  • Select the 'Deploy Policies' button at the top of the page.

For more information and a tutorial about Deploying Policies, please visit the ThreatLocker University Course, Deploying Policies.

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