Create a Computer Group that does not learn

1 min. readlast update: 09.25.2024

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Computer Groups that do not learn are useful for computers that you do not want to learn or profile automatically when in Learning Mode (e.g. restricted computers, or computers that will be left in Monitor Mode, that you do not want to affect your environment). 

To create a computer group that does not learn: 

  1. Select 'Computers' from the left navigation menu.
  2. Select the 'Groups' tab in the upper right. 
  3. Enter the 'Computer Group Name' for the Group.
  4. Select 'None' under the 'Create Policies on Baseline Upload' dropdown. This means the computer will not be put into Learning Mode but will be in Monitor Mode once deployed.   
  5. Select 'Create'.
  6. Move the computer to the group, by selecting the Computer on the Computers page, and selecting 'Move Computer'.



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