In Datto, set up a new Custom Device Filter. Name your custom filter in the 'Name' textbox. In our example below, we have named it Windows - ThreatLocker. Under 'Select devices that match the following criteria, from the first dropdown box choose a custom field and rename it something that makes sense to you.

Then choose 'Does not contain' in the next dropdown.

In the last box, you can type ThreatLockerOff (all one word).
Then select 'And' and choose 'Operating System' in the first dropdown, 'Contains' in the second dropdown, and then input your OS (e.g. Windows 10, Windows 7).
In the next box, if you use OnDemand devices, you may wish to exclude those from the filter as well using the following as a template:

Next select 'Site name' from the dropdown and 'Contains' from the next box. Then you will input who you will be pushing the ThreatLocker Agent to. In the example, we have used our [Gold] or [TL] sites because we appended the site name with [Gold] or [TL].

In the next area, you will select 'Service Name', then 'Does not contain'. Input ThreatLockerService (all one word) in the last textbox.
In the final area, you will input who you want to share this filter with.

Click the 'Save' button on the bottom right to save your custom filter.