Configuring Logout Timer Settings for the Organization

1 min. readlast update: 12.07.2023

This feature allows an organization to set a maximum timeframe before a user is automatically signed out for inactivity within the ThreatLocker Portal.

To configure the 'Logout Timer Settings', navigate to the 'Organizations' page and select the settings gear to edit the organization's settings.


In the 'Edit Organization Settings' panel, find the 'Logout Timer Settings' dropdown located in the 'Settings' section.

Select the desired maximum window of time before a user will be automatically signed out. 

In this example, we've selected '2 Hours'.

Click 'Save' to save your changes.


Once you have saved your settings, users will only be able to select a timeframe within the window you've selected before being logged out for inactivity.


Notice how this user can only select timeframes up to '2 Hours', as configured in the organization's settings.
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