Portal Release Notes - Feb 9th, 2020

2 min. readlast update: 09.16.2020

The following changes are being released to the portal this week. 

  1. We have added support for lower resolution screens. When running on a screen that is lower resolution, the menu bar will now shrink and the page will have a minimum width. This makes rendering on mobile devices much more friendly, and lower resolution screens. 
  2. Managed Service Providers can now directly permit items to their "Global" groups directly from the Audit and the Approval Center. This makes it easier to permit new files for all of your clients. 
  3. Added a link in the audit, so you can see a full history of a file on a computer, by clicking on the View History link next to a file name. This makes it easier to see if a file was updated and what process installed it. 
  4. Improved Performance when doing short searched in the Unified Audit. Recent data (data less than 7 days), is now stored in a separate database. This allows you to access the most used logs much faster. When you extend your search over 7 days, the search will revert to the previous database. 
  5. Improved performance when deleting policies. Previously when a policy was deleted, the page could take a long time to reload if the policy applied to a larger application. We have now changed this, so the policy is disabled and removed from the view immediately, and the delete is processed in the backend asynchronously.
  6. Fixed issue on the Applications page, where you cannot switch between applications after clicking the Add to Application button from the audit. Previously, a blank application was created. 
  7. Added the ability to permit an entire certificate from the Unified Audit. 
  8. Improved Performance when deleting computer groups. 
  9. Fixed an issue where when deleting groups, the storage policies are not deleted. 
  10. Improved Performance on Policies Page, and added an update last matched button into the Policy Header. 
  11. Fixed issue where suggested policies may be added in the wrong order.  
  12. Fixed an issue with exporting reports to PDF where the columns may overlap if too long.
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