End User's Guide to ThreatLocker Request Popups for macOS Agent

2 min. readlast update: 02.06.2024

Requesting a New Application

When you try to run a program that is not permitted (not Whitelisted), you will receive a popup informing you that the program is blocked. 

If this is a program that you don't need for business, and not having this program is not interfering with your work, choose 'Don't show again'. This will ensure that you are not bothered with this popup again in the future for this program; it will be silently blocked. 

If you need this program for work, choose 'Request Access'. The following window will open. 

You can enter a message explaining what you are requesting and why you need it. Although optional, this is encouraged to help when processing your request. 

The email address field is also optional but encouraged. It will auto-populate whatever was inputted there last. If you leave this field empty, you will not be notified once your request is processed. 

Requesting Administrator Permission 

A second type of request popup you may see is a Request Elevation popup. When you try to run a program as an Administrator, you will receive the following popup. You can see it says 'Request ThreatLocker Elevation' instead of 'Request Access'.  

The Request to Elevate an Application window is filled out similarly to the Request to Run a New Program window.   

You may input a message explaining why you need admin privileges for this program in the 'information' box. 
You can also input your email address so you can receive a notification when your request is processed. 

Confirmation of Elevation Popup 

Once the Elevation request has been approved, you will receive a popup informing you. 

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