Customizing the ThreatLocker Popup Windows

2 min. readlast update: 02.26.2022

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Beginning in ThreatLocker Version 6.7, you can customize the text of the popup windows for Application Control Policies that are set to deny with the option to request.

Navigate to Application Control > Policies. 


Find the Policy you wish to edit the popup on and select the edit button (pencil icon) next to that Policy.   


Alternatively, if you wish to create a new Policy, press the 'New Application Policy' button at the top of the page.


Be certain the Policy you are editing or creating is set to Deny but allows the user the option to request as shown by the arrow in the screenshot below.  


Once you select 'Yes' under 'Do you want to allow the User to request access?', the popup customization settings will populate.  

The first area is the Tray notification appearance settings. You can change the text in the textbox. Insert %FullPath% to show the filename in your message, and %BrandName% to insert the Organization name into the message. You can also customize the text in the buttons. To customize the logo, please see the associated article here. ThreatLocker's default text will be used if no changes are made 


Below the Tray customization will be the Request Window customization. You can customize the message above the file name, the large message window, the message above the email textbox, and the text beside the file upload textbox. All 3 buttons can be customized, as well. ThreatLocker's default text will be used if no changes are made.


Once you have made all the changes you wish to make, click the 'Save' button at the top left corner of the Policy window. Click the 'Deploy Policies' button. If this change has been made on a global policy, you will need to deploy policies globally as detailed below.

Deploying Policies Globally

  • Navigate to the 'Organizations' page on the left side of the Portal
  • Select all Organizations with the checkbox located at the top
  • Click 'Deploy Policies' to send the Policy change to all your managed Organizations

Upon their next check in, the devices will receive these changes. When the Policy you edited is matched, the end user will receive your customized popups.


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